47th Annual MARTS Technical Conference Montreal 2010

Monday October 18, 2010  

9:00 AM – 10:45 AM  On Board & Wayside Condition and Performance and Monitoring.

A cross-section of railroad, car owner, and supplier representatives will highlight some of the latest Industry and independent initiatives in condition and performance monitoring of critical freight car components and systems.


Patrick T. Ameen, Vice President Industry Relations, Amsted Rail Company, Inc.


RB Wiley, Principal Investigator, Transportation Technology Center, Inc.

William G. Blevins, Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Canadian National Railway Company

Presentation by Mr. Wiley and Mr. Blevins

Peter L. Jones, Vice President Operations, Mitsui Rail Capital, LLC

Presentation by Mr. Jones

Adam Ackley, V.P. of Sales, Lat – Lon LLC

Presentation by Mr. Ackley

William D. LeFebvre, Managing Director, IONX LLC

11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon  Damage and Defective Car Tracking System and Component Tracking.


Dr. Todd Snyder, Director Systems Development and Analysis, Union Pacific Railroad Company

Presentation by Dr. Snider

Michael S. Reid, Manager Cars, BNSF Railway Company

Nichole Fimple, Product Manager of Asset Health, Railinc

Presentation by Ms. Fimple and Mr Ried

1:30 PM – 3:00 PM   Air Brake Research and Development of New Fatigue Guidelines For Freight Car Design


Dave Cackovic, Chief – Technical Standards & Inspections, Transportation Technology Center, Inc.

Presentation by Mr. Cackovic

Steve Belport, Manager – AAR Brake Systems Committee & Brake Equipment Standards,

Transportation Technology Center, Inc.

Presentation by Mr. Belport

3:15 – 5:00 PM Protective Coating Committee Presentations

Al Glueckert, Chairman

Committee Presentations:

Regulations and Climate: Coating Concerns Specific to Canadian Shops – A Panel Discussion.


Jim Molnar, Union Tank Car Company


Luke Gorinsky, Hempel Coatings

Graham Cooper, GATX Rail Canada

Kenneth Campbell, GE Rail

Advances in Plural Component Coating Spraying Equipment: Ten Years of Progress.

Ron Cradit, Jr, Marco

Presentation by Mr. Marco

Tuesday October 19, 2010

9:30 AM -10:30 AM Tank Car Safety and Security

Karl Alexy, P.E.Engineer – Hazardous MaterialsU.S. Department of Transportation

Presentation by Mr. Alexy

Jean-Pierre Gagnon,  Superintendent, Rail Tank Cars, Transport Canada 

Presentation by Mr. Gagnon